How can your company create long-term relationships with customers? Customers treated well quickly become a company’s best advertising. Creating Raving Fans® training will teach you how to develop relationships with your customers so they will return again and again and tell others about your company.
Through LEAD’s exclusive partnership with Chick-fil-A®, clients have an opportunity to learn about this unique approach to customer service from practitioners who are implementing these principles successfully every day with customers.
Customer Service Awards: A quality that distinguishes Chick-fil-A® from its fast-food competitors is its commitment to the customer. As a result, the chain has been honored with the following awards:
- J.D. Power and Associates Restaurant Satisfaction Study “Top QSR Restaurant Brands in Customer Satisfaction” inAtlanta, Houston and Washington, D.C. (2010)
- QSR Magazine honors for “Best Drive-Thru in America” (2009)
- Restaurants and Institutions magazine’s “Choice in Chains” Customer Satisfaction Award (2009)
- BusinessWeek/J.D. Power “Customer Service Champs” top-25 ranking (2008)
Creating Raving Fans® Strategy
See what Forbes has to say about Chick-fil-A’s customer service:
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